Sunday, October 26, 2008

"GO GAUCHOS !" Launch !

Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008

GO GAUCHOS !..... is an independent and "inclusive" news gathering and alumni based voice for ALL THINGS GAUCHO (UCSB) INTERCOLLEGIATE AQUATICS !

Swimming & Diving


Water Polo

are our core constituencies and focus. We are bound and determined to be inclusive. A Gaucho is a Gaucho. We promise not to engage in exclusionary practices that would be divisive of the Gaucho Great spirit. We include. We will never exclude or play favorites. In fact, we welcome your support and hope you will contribute content, text and photos, etc.

So let's get right to it ! We shall begin with some photos of Gaucho Greats from these core groups just to get the celebration started.

Photo below: "Two Beers" himself, the man who started it all, Gregg Wilson, with his better half (aka, lovely wife, Carol), together the "Original Gaucho Greats":

Another Gaucho Great: Matt Shieman and his son with Wils !

Gaucho Great Keith Cruickshank, Team Captain, Wilson Years 1 and 2, with his niece watching the infamous grilling skills of our Coach

Gaucho Great Brent Krantz (right) with his wife and an unidentifiable Gaucho Great (left)... just kidding ! Of course, at left is UCSB Hall of Famer, David "Henne" Hendrickson (swimming and water polo)

An entire collection of Alumni Water Polo Players, Oct. 2005, for the Annual Alumni Weekend. Can you name all of these Gaucho Greats ?

Gaucho Great (swimming and water polo), John "Spanky" Dobrott and his wife, Heidi.

One of UCSB's most formidable scoring threats, the charismatic and lethal Russ Hafferkamp (right), shown here with Beijing Silver Medalist, Water Polo, Brenda Villa, in Beijing where Russ was an analyst for NBC's coverage of Water Polo. Way to go Russ !
Photo courtesy of Russ Hafferkamp.

June 2008, LACo Beach Lifeguard Recheck in Venice, Calif: Left, Gaucho Great, Craig "Mad Dog" Mattox (the guy who did 2 x 1650 yds "Butterfly" in workout, Winter 1977); and right, Gaucho Great, Wilson Years 1 and 2 (aka, "F-Troop" years), Will Maguire, the undersigned.

Until next time,

Will Maguire,

on behalf of "GO GAUCHOS !" News

Keeping you, the GAUCHO GREAT that you are, "in the loop" !

DISCLAIMER: GO GAUCHOS! is an independent alumni news gathering coalition that is all about the Gauchos but is not otherwise sponsored by the University itself.

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